Friday, December 11, 2009

Plugging Away

Phew! I almost forgot how much work being in school really is. I’m taking two classes right now, Behavioral Science and Intro Into Internet Marketing.

I’ve found both classes to be compelling and exceptionally informative.The PR manager at my work has even said he was jealous hearing about the content of what I have been learning. Just as I will be jealous to hear about what the new classes will be learning. It’s been made clear that the world of online marketing is growing and changing so quickly that by the time I’m finished the course work they will have established new content and methods of advertising.

On another note I’m excited to see what new videos are being uploaded to the Vlog. The contest ends on Saturday so I hope everyone has an opportunity to post their favorite comedic videos. I will be placing a polling software on the website with the top 5 videos to choose from so be sure to watch for that.

On a more personal note, I can say I’m tired. Not tired in a bad way just tired in general. Somebody once said something about being stressed. If you know what that was please e-mail so I have some advice to follow. LOL

Turns out my heart is doing okay. The palpitations have lessened and I’m now on a blood pressure medication. The only thing that I can attribute the problems to is stress, and lack of sleep. Both of which are known as the silent killers. So I’m taking the time to do the things that I enjoy. I enjoy learning in class, I also enjoy watching comedic YouTube videos. I’ve posted a couple of my own on the Vlog, (which unfortunately will not be in the top 5) and I look forward to the entries this coming week.

If you haven’t had the chance please take a moment and click on the link on the left of the screen which will notify you of any new twitter updates and YouTube activity. This is one of the best ways to keep up with the latest news and content from!

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