Monday, December 28, 2009

School Update!

In the middle of  the Christmas Break and I'm loving it!  But my quest for knowledge hasn't subsided as I'm continually trying to learn more about the industry on my own time and what my place will be in it.  The final grades haven't come back from the internet marketing class, or my behavioral science class but as they stand right now I've gotten A's from both classes.  If I could summarize the top 5 basic concepts that I have learned this first month they would be:

1. The internet has changed the rules of marketing.
2. I am a Kinesthetic learner.
3. Content is what is in demand right now. (If you build it, they will come)
4. 92% of communication in non-verbal. (or on the case of this blog 100% LOL)
5. Don't Sell.  Become a thought leader instead. Here is an article I wrote about that if you'd like to read it.

At the end of the day I am determined to make this Sponsorship program work!  I really enjoy everything about marketing on the internet.  I'm applying my knowledge every chance I get.

I even got an article accepted into Ezine Articles about internet marketing, which awarded me Expert Author Status with my first submission.  I was stoked!  That may or may not be a common achievement but I chalk it up as a victory.

Keep and eye out the next couple of days as make certain changes to the EtchUcateChris website that I feel will ultimately be beneficial in the long run.  If you have any ideas feel free to e-mail me.

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